
Ben Cahill leder af DTU Skylab Digital. Foto: Peter Aagaard Brixen
22 OCT

DTU opens new digital development laboratory

Digital technologies must be developed based on users’ day-to-day needs, says Ben Cahill, who heads DTU Skylab Digital.

Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development IT systems Software and programming Data analysis
Learning start-up
24 APR

Ny algoritme gør det lettere at producere videoer til e-læring

Jonas Vollhaase Mikkelsen er studerende på diplomingeniørretningen IT og økonomi og samtidig medstifter af et firma, der hjælper erhvervslivet med at skabe e-læringsvideoer...

IT systems Entrepreneurship
Learning start-up
24 APR

Bachelor of Engineering student brings new life to knowledge

Bachelor of Engineering student, Jonas Vollhaase Mikkelsen brings new life to knowledge, fast and cheap. Jonas has developed an algorithm that makes the automated video...

IT systems Entrepreneurship

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28 APRIL 2024